Research Institute of Biomedical Engineering VIEW LIST

The institute was established in 1997 to contribute to the promotion of public health by applying biomedical engineering research outcomes to patient care, and to the maximization of national competitiveness via technical transfer to industry. We are currently conducting research projects on medical devices, medical information, biometrics, radiotherapy physics, and medical materials in accordance with a mid-to-long-term plan. We are also playing a central role in the establishment of an infrastructure for competent research through joint research with industry, collaboration with other research institutes at home and abroad, and international training as a leading center in the field of radio-medical engineering, and carry out public activities such as technical consultation, technology transfer, and advertising.


Professor, Seo Tae-seok, Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Physics
Tel (02) 2258-2063


Address 1F, Catholic Research Institute of Medical Science
505 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-701
Tel/Fax Tel : (02) 2258-2579 / Fax : (02) 2258-2946