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Dept & Credits

Table of Completion Credits by Department

  • Department of Nursing
    Category Master’s Doctoral Notes
    Compulsory Major Courses 18 Credits 18 Credits
    Degree Thesis Seminar 2 Credits 3 Credits
    Electives 6 Credits 15 Credits
    Total 26 Credits 36 Credits

    ※ Students in master’s degree programs of the Department of Nursing may acquire up to 10 credits.

  • Department of Public Health
    Category Doctoral Notes
    Compulsory Major Courses 9 Credits
    Thesis Research 4 Credits
    Electives Includes major courses from other departments 23 Credits
    Total 36 Credits
  • Department of Medicine
    Enrolled Students who entered the School in or prior to the 2020 academic year
    Category Master’s Doctoral Combined
    Compulsory Major Courses 6 Credits 9 Credits 15 Credits (6 Master’s + 9 Doctoral)
    Thesis Research 2 Credits 3 Credits 4 Credits (2 Master’s + 2 Doctoral)
    Joint Lectures 3 Credits 6 Credits 9 Credits
    Minor Courses Compulsory courses from other departments (majors) 6 Credits 6 Credits 9 Credits
    Electives Major Electives +
    other courses
    7 Credits 12 Credits 23 Credits
    Total 24 Credits 36 Credits 60 Credits
  • Students who entered after the first half of the 2021 school year
    Category Master’s Doctoral Combined
    Compulsory Major Courses 6 Credits 9 Credits 12 Credits (6 Master’s + 6 Doctoral)
    Thesis Research 2 Credits 3 Credits 4 Credits (2 Master’s + 2 Doctoral)
    Joint Lectures 3 Credits 6 Credits 9 Credits
    Minor Courses Compulsory courses from other departments (majors) 6 Credits 6 Credits 9 Credits
    Electives Major Electives +
    other courses
    7 Credits 12 Credits 20 Credits
    Total 24 Credits 36 Credits 54 Credits
  • Department of Biomedicine & Health Science
    Enrolled Students who entered the School in or prior to the 2020 academic year
    Category Master’s Doctoral Combined
    Major + Electives 9 12 21
    All candidates 6 6 12
    Biomedical Science Seminar 3 6 9
    Individually Instructed
    6 10 14
    Seminar, Thesis Research - 2 4
    Research Ethics 1 1 1
    Total 25 37 61
  • Students entering the school from 2021 to 2023
    Category Master’s Doctoral Combined
    Major + Electives 9 12 18
    All candidates 6 6 9
    Biomedical Science Seminar 3 6 9
    Individually Instructed
    6 10 14
    Seminar, Thesis Research - 2 4
    Research Ethics 1 1 1
    Total 25 37 55
  • Department of Precision Medicine and Big data
    Item Medical Science Natural Science
    Compulsory major + Electives 15 15
    Individually Instructed
    6 6
    Seminar, Thesis Research 2 2
    Bioethics 1 1
    Total 24 24

    ※ Compulsory major courses must be completed 6 credits in student’s major. If a student registers for a compulsory major course for another major, the other area of study will be recognized as the student’s electives.

  • Department of Bioethics
    Item Doctoral Notes
    Universal Compulsory Bioethics Seminar I, II and III 9
    Doctoral Thesis Research I and II 4
    Major/Compulsory Courses 12
    Electives 12
    Total 37
  • Department of Interdisciplinary Health Science
    Category Doctoral Notes
    Compulsory Major Courses 12
    Seminars 4
    Individual Instruction 8
    Electives (includes courses from other majors) 12
    Total 36
  • ※ Course Codes by Department and Program
    Department Compulsory Master’s Electives Compulsory Doctoral Notes
    Nursing Science Nurs5** Nurs6** Nurs7**
    Public Health - Heal4**, Heal6** Heal7**
    Medicine M***5** M***6** M***7**
    Biomedicine & Health Sciences - - - Same for all programs
    Bioethics - Jmth6** Jmth7**
    Precision Medicine
    and Big data
    Pmbd1** Pmbd3** -
    Bioethics - Jmth6** Jmth7**
    Interdisciplinary Health Science - Idhs6** Idhs7**
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