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Degree Requirements

  • 1. Qualifications for the submission of degree theses

  • A. Master's, Doctoral

    Students who satisfy all of the following requirements may submit degree theses.

    (1) Students who have passed a thesis proposal examination or (open) general examination

    (2) Students who have acquired the credits needed for degree completion (see Completion Credits Table)

    (3) Students who have enrolled for at least 4 (master’s) or 6 semesters (doctoral)

    (4) Supplementary treatises for Department of Nursing doctoral degree programs : The relevant academic journal must be KCI or higher (at the time of receipt)

    - Authors : The student must be the sole lead author, and the student’s advisor must be the corresponding author (Please note, the inclusion of other authors shall be determined by conferring with the student’s advisor.)

    - Format : There are no restrictions regarding the design of the study. (However, master’s theses shall not be acknowledged as supplementary treatises.)

    - Applies to : All students (However, if the degree thesis submitted has been published, and the JCR ranking is within the top 50%, the thesis can also be recognized as a supplementary treatise.)

    (5) Full-time students

    - Students having submitted at least 1 article published (or expected to be published until May in spring semester and until November in autumn semester) in a domestic or international journal where he/she is the lead author as his/her master’s degree thesis

    - Students having submitted at least 1 article published (or expected to be published until May in spring semester and until November in autumn semester) in an SCIE domestic or international journal where he/she is the lead author as his/her doctoral degree thesis

    (6) For cases in which a published article is submitted as a degree thesis, the article will only be recognized as a degree thesis if the student is a lead author (for doctoral students, the student must be the sole lead author), and the student’s advisor is the corresponding author (CA). (Please note, joint corresponding authors are allowed). [For master’s programs, articles published in domestic or international academic journals; for doctoral programs, SCIE journal articles. (Provided, that for doctoral programs, students must submit a thesis of IF 5.0 or higher, or within the top 10% of the academic field in question.)] ※ Domestic academic journals must be Class A as determined by the National Research Foundation of Korea. ※ In the case of joint lead authors, only one of the two lead authors will be recognized.

  • B. Combined master’s and doctoral degree programs

    Students who satisfy all of the following requirements may submit degree theses.

    (1) Students who have passed their thesis proposal examination or (open) general examination

    (2) Students who have acquired the credits required for course completion (see Completion Credits Table)

    (3) Students who have been enrolled for at least 8 semesters

    (4) Department of Medicine students who have published an article in an SCIE journal

    ※ Students are required to write their degree theses in English, starting with students admitted in the Fall Semester of 2010

    (5) In cases in which a published article is submitted as a degree thesis, the article will be recognized as a degree thesis only if the student is the sole lead author, and the student’s advisor is the corresponding author (CA) (Please note that joint corresponding authors are allowed).

    (6) For degree theses submitted by full-time students in the Department of Biomedicine & Health Sciences, students who have published at least two SCIE articles Or one article of IF 3.0 or higher. (Please note that the student must be the sole lead author, and the student’s advisor must be the corresponding author (CA)). ※ Criterion for recognition as the joint lead author of a doctoral degree thesis: Must submit a thesis of IF 5.0 or higher, or within the top 10% of the academic field in question ※ In the case of joint lead authors, only one of the two lead authors will be recognized.

  • 2. Submission deadlines and examination periods for degree theses

  • A. Degree theses submitted on a regular basis

    (1) Master’s degree theses (a) Concurrent thesis examination and oral examination (single examination) (b) In order for a master’s degree thesis to pass examination, it must receive consenting votes from at least two examiners, and a score of at least 80 points out of 100.

    (2) Doctoral degree theses

    (a) Preliminary, second, and final examinations, together with an oral examination, are administered in addition to the final examination.

    (b) For the preliminary examination, the student must present his/her thesis to the examiners evaluating the thesis and presentation. In order to qualify for a second examination, the thesis presented must receive at least 80 points out of 100 (at least four consenting votes). The final examination involves an oral test. In order to pass the final examination, the thesis presented must receive consenting votes from at least four examiners.

  • B. Degree theses submitted on a rolling basis

    (1) Master’s degree theses (a) Concurrent thesis examination and oral examination (single examination) (b) In order for a master’s degree thesis to pass examination, it must receive consenting votes from at least two examiners, and a score of at least 80 points out of 100.

    (2) Doctoral degree theses

    (a) Preliminary and final examination, with a thesis examination and oral examination

    (b) For the preliminary examination, the student must present his/her thesis to the examiners evaluating the thesis and presentation. In order to pass, the thesis presented must receive at least 80 points out of 100 (at least four consenting votes).

    (c) Deadline for the submission of theses Theses must be submitted by May for the Spring Semester, and by November for the Fall Semester. (Please note that a hard cover copy approved by the examiners must be submitted by the last day of the examination. Approval shall be deferred if a hard copy is not submitted.)

  • C. Documents required for submission

    Master’s Doctoral
    1. Thesis examination application - 1 copy
        (submitted online )
    2. Research Ethics Statement - 1 copy
        (refer to the attached form)
    3. Notice of IRB Examination Results
        - 1 copy
    4. Thesis Plagiarism Check
    5. Separately bound volume of the thesis
        being presented (where applicable)
    6. Examination fee : KRW 250,000
    1. Thesis examination application - 1 copy
        (submitted online)
    2. Research Ethics Statement - 1 copy
        (refer to the attached form)
    3. Notice of IRB Examination Results
        - 1 copy
    4. Thesis Plagiarism Check
    5. Separately bound volume of the thesis
        being presented (where applicable)
    6. Examination fee : KRW 620,000

    ※ For more information related to theses preparation, please see the graduate school website, Forms (https://songeui.catholic.ac.kr/gscuk/html/faq/formlist.jsp) Instructions for Preparing Degree Theses ※ How to submit your degree theses: Upload your degree thesis file to the portal system (Ucups)(Theses submitted on a rolling basis must be submitted separately.)

  • D. Deadlines for theses submission Master’s degree program students must submit a thesis and pass examination within 6 years of admission. Doctoral degree program students must submit a thesis and pass examination within 10 years of submission; combined program students must submit a thesis and pass examination within 12 years of admission.

    Please note, that any period during which the student is engaged in compulsory military service (provided that documentation is submitted) or engaged in other activities recognized by the Graduate School Steering Committee shall not count toward the aforementioned thesis periods.

  • 3-1. Thesis proposals

    Fill in and print out the application at the graduate school website and attach all necessary documentation. Once your thesis application has been approved, you will receive confirmation from your advisor. After receiving confirmation, deposit your examination fee and submit your application the Graduate School Academic & Student Affairs Team.

  • A. Thesis proposals are required for The Department of Nursing, Department of Public Health, Department of Medicine, Department of Biomedicine & Health Sciences, and Department of Bioethics

    B. Qualifications for submission Theses may be submitted starting from the second semester after admission, and the examination of the proposal must be completed by no later than 6 months prior to the submission of the thesis. If a student decides to change his/her research topic during the research process, the student must submit an application to change his/her research topic and complete re-examination. (In this case as well, the research proposal examination must be completed by no later than 6 months prior to the submission of the thesis.)

  • C. Preparation of thesis proposals (1) A thesis proposal should state in detail the purpose, details, methodologies, timeline, abstract, and references of the degree thesis being presented, so that the examiners can sufficiently understand all matters related to the thesis.

    (2) Submit ‘Confirmation of IRB (Institutional Review Board) Review Applicability for Thesis Proposal’(New requirement; see form attached) (a) The IRB review applies to : All research conducted on human subjects (b) Review timing : Thesis proposals that have passed examination and are subject to IRB review must be reviewed and approved by the IRB before research begins. (c) Review body : The IRB review of graduate school theses is conducted by the Songeui Campus “Bioethics Review Committee.” However, in cases in which the research is conducted at an area hospital, the IRB review shall be conducted at the hospital in question. (d) Applications for IRB review : IRB review applications must be submitted in the student's advisor’s name. ※ Please direct any inquiries regarding IRB review to the IRB Secretariat (☎ 82-2-3147-8115) < Graduate School website ⇒ Materials ⇒ Forms ⇒ Thesis Proposal Form > Thesis proposals and their corresponding degree theses must have the same topic. If the student changes the topic of research, he/she must submit an application for the modification of the thesis proposal along with a table outlining the changes for re-examination. The degree thesis may be submitted no earlier than 6 months after re-examination.

  • D. Matters of note regarding the examination of thesis proposals (1) After thesis proposal examination (a) If the topic of the paper qualifying a student to submit a degree thesis matches that of the submitted degree thesis, the thesis proposal shall not be re-examined, even if its topic is different.

    (b) If an obligation paper is submitted only as a qualification for submitting a degree thesis, the topic of the thesis proposal and that of the degree thesis must match. If they do not match, the student must submit an application for the modification of his/her thesis proposal, and the thesis proposal must be re-examined.

  • E. Examination Theses will be examined by 3 examiners.

  • F. Documents require for submission (1) Application for Thesis Proposal Examination 【Type into portal system (Ucups) and print out】 - 1 copy (2) Examination fee : Master’s - KRW 120,000 / Doctoral - KRW 150,000 (3) Instructions for the submission of thesis proposals : download thesis proposal file for review

  • 3-2. General Open Examination

    A. Purpose The General Open Examination will be administered prior to the submission of degree theses. Students must pass the General Open Examination prior to submitting their degree theses.

  • B. Applicability Students who have submitted an accepted paper as a degree thesis, without submitting a thesis proposal

  • C. Method of administration Students who have submitted an accepted paper as a degree thesis will be administered the General Open Examination in conjunction with their degree thesis examination.

  • ● Common qualifications for all departments

    Program Qualifications for the submission of degree theses Restrictions on degree theses



    ① Pass thesis proposal examination or open general
    ② Enroll for at least the minimum number of semesters
        for completion
    ③ Acquire the credits required for completion
        (Master’s : 24 / Doctoral : 36 / Combined : 60)

    ※ Submission of a published article as a degree

        ① Master’s : Student is the lead author (joint lead
            author), and advisor is the corresponding author
        ② Doctoral : Student is the sole lead author, and
            advisor is the corresponding author
    ⒜ Department of Nursing doctoral degree programs :
            Supplementary treatise must pass examination

    ⒝ Department of Bioethics: Check supplementary
             treatise [Fall Semester, 2019 academic year
            (dissertation proposal + general examination
             + supplementary treatise)]
            ※ An advisor who is the corresponding author for
                 a degree thesis may be a joint corresponding
    Department / Program Method for submitting degree theses
    Published thesis (students receiving full scholarships) Thesis proposal
    (students receiving half scholarships)
    Nursing Science

    Public Health


    Biomedicine &
    Health Sciences

    Master’s ① Article published in domestic or
       international academic
    Submission of degree thesis
    Doctoral ① Article published in SCIE
        academic journal
    Combined ① Two articles published in
        SCIE academic journal or 1 article
        published of IF 3.0 or higher
  • ※ Criterion for recognition of the student as a joint lead author of a doctoral degree thesis: Must submit a thesis of IF 5.0 or higher, or within the top 10% of the academic field in question

    ※ Students having received an international student scholarship may also submit a published thesis as a degree thesis (the same standards applied to students receiving full scholarships also apply)

    ※ Graduation requirements for Department of Biomedicine & Health Sciences ※ 1. Seminar participation report A. Master’s : 1 report ; applies to students admitted from March 2012 onwards B. Doctoral : 2 reports ; applies to students admitted from September 2011 onwards C. Combined : 2 report ; applies to students admitted from September 2010 onwards 2. Core Convergence Experimental Training A. Master’s: 1 session for students admitted in or after September 2014; 2 sessions for students admitted in or after March 2015. B. 1 session for combined program students admitted in or after September 2013; 2 sessions for students admitted in or after March 2014 ; 3 sessions for students admitted

The Catholic University Graduate School : 222 Banpo-daero Seocho-gu, Seoul, (06591) Republic of Korea Tel : +82-2-3147-8153, 8157 Fax : +82-2-3147-8299
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