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Dean : Youg Dae Kwon, MD, Ph.D., MBA Department of Humanities and Social Medicine Professor
Location : 222, Banpo-daero, Socho-gu, Seoul (06591), Republic of Korea
Homepage : https://songeui.catholic.ac.kr/sohmp

The Graduate School of Healthcare Management, The Catholic University of Korea, founded in 1998, has trained its exceptional students for leadership positions in health care fields.

The Graduate program emphasizes an innovative approach to management education for its five-semester Master's program in the areas of healthcare management. The program provides students with multi-sector, interdisciplinary curriculum that combines the fundamental disciplines of management practice essential to effective modern healthcare management. Students can receive training in health economics, accounting, health care financing, marketing, organizational behavior, human resource management, quality management, medical informatics, database management, IT project management, data analysis and statistics, epidemiology, and other management and public health disciplines. Courses are constructed with an emphasis on understanding of the larger context in which health care policy and business decisions are made.

The student body of 20 in each class enrolls in the school. The faculty of about thirteen at the Graduate School of Healthcare Management are committed to educating successful practitioners and to enhancing the depth and scope of professional knowledge in problem solving, policy formulation and implementation.

Faculty members(Spring semester, 2018)

Faculty members table
Major/Rank Professor Associate
Instructor Total
Healthcare Management 5 1 - 12 18

Number of students(Spring semester, 2018)

Number of students table
COURSE Semester
1th 2th 3th 4th 5th Total
Healthcare Management 14 13 31 18 19 95
Songeui Medical Campus : 222 Banpo-daero Seocho-gu, Seoul, (06591) Republic of Korea Tel : +82-2-2258-7114 Fax : +82-2-532-6537
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