학과 | 과목번호 | 과목명 | 학점 |
전학과 | GDSC110 | 의학윤리 ( Medical Ethics ) | 1 |
GDSC120 | 법의학 ( Legal Medicine ) | 1 | |
GDSC130 | 구강생물학 ( Oral Biology ) | 2 | |
GDSC140 | 치과생체재료학 ( Dental Biomaterial ) | 2 | |
GDSC150 | 악구강계학 ( Stomatognathology ) | 2 | |
GDSC160 |
생물통계 및 치의학연구방법론 ( Biostatistics & Dental Research Methodology ) |
2 | |
GDSC111 | 의학윤리II ( Medical Ethics II ) | 1 | |
GDSC121 | 법의학II ( Legal Medicine II ) | 1 | |
GDSC131 | 구강생물학II ( Oral BiologyII ) | 2 | |
GDSC141 | 치과생체재료학II ( Dental Biomaterial ) | 2 | |
GDSC151 | 악구강계학II ( Stomatognathology ) | 2 | |
GDSC162 | 생물통계 및 치의학연구방법론 Ⅱ ( Biostatistics & Dental Research Methodology Ⅱ ) |
2 | |
GDSC190 | 논문 | - |
학과 | 과목번호 | 과목명 | 학점 |
전학과 | GDSC170 | 논문 작성법 및 치의학 연구방법론 | 1 |
GDSC175 | 논문 작성법 및 치의학 연구방법론 II | 1 | |
GDSC176 | 논문 작성법 및 치의학 연구방법론 Ⅲ | 1 | |
GDSC177 | 논문 작성법 및 치의학 연구방법론 IV | 1 |
전공 | 과목번호 | 과목명 | 학 점 |
보존·보철학과 | GDSP101 | 근관치료학 ( Endodontics ) | 3 |
GDSP105 | 근관치료학Ⅱ ( EnododonticsⅡ ) | 3 | |
GDSP107 | 고정성수복학 ( Fixed Restorations ) | 3 | |
GDSP108 | 고정성수복학Ⅱ ( Fixed Restorations Ⅱ ) | 3 | |
GDSP109 | 접착 및 심미치과학 ( Dental Bonding and Esthetic Dentistry ) | 3 | |
GDSP110 | 접착 및 심미치과학 Ⅱ ( Dental Bonding and Esthetic Dentistry Ⅱ ) | 3 | |
GDSP111 | 교합 및 가철성보철학 ( Occlusion and Removable Proshtodontics ) | 4 | |
GDSP105 | 근관치료학 Ⅱ ( Occlusion and Removable Proshtodontics Ⅱ ) |
3 | |
GDSI509 | 임플란트보철학 Ⅱ ( Occlusion and Removable Proshtodontics Ⅱ ) |
3 | |
GDSP112 | 교합 및 가철성보철학 Ⅱ ( Occlusion and Removable Proshtodontics Ⅱ ) |
4 | |
치과교정학과 | GDSO301 | 교정학개론 ( Introduction to Orthodontics ) | 3 |
GDSO302 | 교정진단학 ( Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of Orthodontics ) | 2 | |
GDSO304 | 조기치료학 ( Early Treatment ) | 2 | |
GDSO305 | 성장발육학 ( Growth and Development ) | 1 | |
GDSO306 | 수술교정학 ( Surgical Orthodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSO307 | 교정생역학 ( Orthodontic Biomechanics ) | 1 | |
GDSO308 | 수술교정학II ( Surgical Orthodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSO309 | 교정학개론II ( Introduction to Orthodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSO310 | 최신문헌고찰 및 교정학연구방법론 ( Current Literature Review & Research Methodology ) |
4 | |
GDSO311 | 교정치료를 위한 영상분석학 ( Radiographic image analysis for orthodontic treatment ) |
1 | |
GDSO312 | 교정진단학II ( Diagnosis and Treatment Planning of OrthodonticsII ) |
2 | |
GDSO313 | 최신문헌고찰 및 교정학연구방법론Ⅱ ( Current Literature Review & Research MethodologyⅡ ) |
4 | |
GDSO314 | 교정치료를 위한 영상분석학Ⅱ ( Radiographic image analysis for orthodonotic treatmentⅡ ) |
1 | |
GDSO315 | 조기치료학Ⅱ ( Early Treatment Ⅱ ) | 2 | |
GDSO316 | 성장발육학Ⅱ ( Growth and Development Ⅱ ) | 1 | |
GDSO317 | 교정생역학II ( Orthodontic BiomechanicsII ) | 1 | |
구강악안면 외과학과 |
GDSS401 | 구강외과학 개론 ( Introduction to Oromaxillofacial Surgery ) | 3 |
GDSI503 | 임플란트보철학 ( Implant Prothodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSO306 | 수술교정학 ( Surgical Orthodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSS402 | 턱얼굴임상해부학 ( Clinical Facial Anatomy ) | 1 | |
GDSS405 | 최신문헌고찰 및 치과재생학 ( Regenerative Science for Dentistry and Current Literature Review ) |
4 | |
GDSS404 | 구강외과학 개론Ⅱ ( Introduction to Oromaxillofacial Surgery II ) | 3 | |
GDSI509 | 임플란트보철학II ( Implant ProthodonticsII ) | 3 | |
GDSO308 | 수술교정학II ( Surgical Orthodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSS403 | 턱얼굴임상해부학II ( Clinical Facial AnatomyII ) | 1 | |
GDSS405 | 최신문헌고찰 및 치과재생학Ⅱ ( Regenerative Science for Dentistry Ⅱ and Current Literature Review ) |
4 | |
치과임플란트 학과 |
GDSI501 | 임플란트학 개론 ( Introduction to Implantology ) | 3 |
GDSI502 | 임플란트수술학 ( Implant Surgery ) | 3 | |
GDSI503 | 임플란트보철학 ( Implant Prothodontics ) | 3 | |
GDSP109 | 접착 및 심미치과학 ( Dental Bonding and Esthetic Dentistry ) | ||
GDSI504 | 최신문헌고찰 및 치과재생학 ( Regenerative Science for Dentistry and Current Literature Review ) |
4 | |
GDSI505 | 임플란트학 개론Ⅱ ( Introduction to ImplantologyⅡ ) | 3 | |
GDSC508 | 임플란트수술학II ( Implant SurgeryII ) | 3 | |
GDSI509 | 임플란트보철학II ( Implant ProthodonticsII ) | 3 | |
GDSP110 | 접착 및 심미치과학II | 3 | |
GDSS405 | 최신문헌고찰 및 치과재생학Ⅱ ( Regenerative Science for Dentistry Ⅱ and Current Literature Review ) |
4 |
[2024. 3. update]